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Relaxing Facial

approach to beauty...


Cannabis is a plant that never ceases to amaze us with its countless benefits. It contains hundreds of cannabinoids, each with its own set of perks.

As a skilled and knowledgeable Licensed Esthetician with over a decade of experience, I have carefully selected one of the many cannabinoids for its exceptional effectiveness and incorporated it into my skincare services.



CBD is renowned for its exceptional hydrating properties, making it an excellent ingredient for skincare products.

It is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent that helps to reduce redness, swelling, and discomfort in the skin.


CBD contains an abundance of antioxidants that can safeguard our skin cells and their functions, keeping them healthy and active. These antioxidants are crucial in helping to combat environmental stressors and signs of aging that can affect the skin over time.


At Orcannically, we take the power of CBD to a Higher level to offer you an exceptional skincare experience.

Book your service today

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"My obsession for cannabis and skin care have finally collided. I don't see CBD as a fad, I fully understand the benefits of this "taboo" plant."

-Melanie Richards

Licensed Esthetician

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"The CBD Highdration cream feels like butter on my skin"

— Marlene S.


Image by 2H Media
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Image by David Gabrić


We strive to use organic ingredients. Our tincture products include a QR code linking to both the internal lab reports on the raw oil and the third-party testing on the finished product. 


Orcannically CBD is non-intoxicating and is formulated with no binders, fillers, excipients, dyes or unknown substances. Our products are Premium Certified Organic and created utilizing the highest standards in farming, harvesting and manufacturing. 

Why Orcannically?​

We focus on providing you the premium CBD you deserve. We're organic with quality you can trust. 

we're simply


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“The biggest killer on the planet is stress, and I still think that the best medicine is and always has been cannabis.”

– Willie Nelson


Explore the satisfaction

CBD is a powerful plant extract that has been used for wellness for thousands of
years. Our CBD is derived from a specific strain of the hemp plant (PCR Rich Hemp)

 It is one of many cannabinoids in hemp that has a variety of effects on our body’s
endocannabinoid system


We have receptors and compounds in our bodies that interact with the compounds that naturally occur in hemp. Giving an overall sense of wellbeing. 

Head in the clouds?

Image by Davies Designs Studio
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